Vol #1
Relationships Without a Vision, REPEAT!

Law of Attraction Draws to You
The Desires of Your Heart

( As Well As The CRAP You’re Sometimes Attracted To! )


Why haven’t you found real love yet?  Well, it could very well be because:

What you DESIRE,
Isn’t always what you’re ATTRACTED TO!

Relationships Without a Vision, Repeat! (RWOVR) is an e-Book consisting of approximately 350 power-packed pages filled with video, images, antidotes, and Master Law of Attraction teachings!  RWOVR will give you a RAW, REALISTIC, SPIRITUAL, yet PRACTICAL assessment of not only every relationship in which you’ve been involved but also reveal the mindset, the consciousness, the “energy” you were operating in when you attracted it in the first place – good or bad!

The one thing this book WILL free you from is asking, “Why?”

Find ANSWERS as to why you attracted someone wonderful, but then couldn’t hold on to them.  Why you are always alone.  Why do you keep attracting the same “type,” and end up with the same heartbreak?  Why do good guys finish last or end up with the most indifferent, ungrateful, superficial women, no matter how good they’re treated?.  Still asking, “Why has love and happily-ever-after not come to me?” “Will the desires of my heart ever appear before me in manifested form?” “Will I ever feel anchored in love, and experience sustained happiness, satisfaction, and contentment in my relationship with my mental, emotional, spiritual equal?”  Discover why happiness in your relationships always seems to be temporary and fleeting, but the emotional devastation of the aftermath seems to linger for decades.  Discover why you look for evidence, confirmation, and validation from a significant other, rather than placing the “stamp of approval” on your own forehead and establishing your own self-worth from within.

Buy your copy of this interactive, beautifully displayed e-Book today! Watch your love-life go from 0 to 100, real quick!

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Vol #2
The Mate You’re Looking For, Is Looking For You!


Romantic Love!   How two people come together in a loving relationship for a lifetime may seem like the mystery of the ages or a mystical, mythical illusion of bygone days. However, with an understanding of how the Law of Attraction works, two people coming together in love now have both spiritual rhyme, and reason! A further examination of spiritual law shows us not only how orderly this universe is, but how perfectly we can come together, flow together, and how we can suitably fit together, in a mutually satisfying relationship as lifelong companions and best friends.

Because this book is about relationships, soul mates, life partners, and other such relationships, let us now look at both Universal principles, and the Universe’s process of manifestation and keeps it so simple, as the bible says, that even a child can understand. Get ready, my friend, because the Universe moves at the Speed of Light, faster than the Speed of Sound.  Your love‑life can change for the better – faster than the twinkling of an eye!


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Vol #3
Expect True Love Because the Universe, Delivers!

“What you think, You create.
What you feel, You attract.
What you imagine, You become.”

Expect True Love Because the Universe, Delivers! allows us to endeavor to understand that Love works like everything else in the universe; it comes when it is called for, asked for, reverenced, anticipated, and expected.  Therefore, let us shift our consciousness away from placing our expectations on other people, especially our mates and significant others, and instead, understand how the universal system of the Law of Attraction, the Law of Motion, and the Force of Magnetism works between people with like‑energies to manifest our expectation. Never again will you fear the loss of love; i.e., feeling abandoned, rejected, or being in non‑committed, casual relationships, if what your heart actually desires, is oneness, togetherness, commitment, and monogamy within a healthy, sustained relationship.

Align Your Energy.

Expect Unexpected & Pleasant Surprises
to Come Your Way . . . Daily!


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Vol #4
Think & Grow Rich Romantic Relationships

“All is in the Silence,
waiting to be brought,
Forth to form and substance,
by the builder, Thought.
That is how God fashioned,
everything He wrought.

Everything you long for,
in the Silence wait,
Yours the power to shape them,
either soon or late,
But be very careful,
how you form your fate.”

The Law of Attraction is Powerful! It’s the way life on this planet manifests desires, even your desire for a beautiful, romantic, healthy, happy, joy-filled relationship with your ideal mate! Everything in this Universe grows from a seed. Creative energy is ever-present, to match and manifest the thought-seeds of love allowed to grow in the unseen world of your imagination. Love will find its way, yes even to you, when you can understand and imagine that – It Already Has!

Get your copy of Think & Grow Rich Romantic Relationships today, and rid your mind of limitations and scarcity thoughts and feelings!  Realize the Universe will search the planet for the mate that is just right for you and deliver in an instant!  “The miraculous” and “the spectacular” first happen within you!  Get ready for what will feel like all your dreams coming true at once!  Understanding the Law of Attraction can produce what will feel like fairytale experiences. The Law of Attraction will seamlessly lead, guide, direct and orchestrate the most beautiful encounters imaginable, as it uses your intention; that which you have desired, contemplated, and envisioned, as its blueprint. You can find yourself living what feels like a dream, and have no idea how it came about so quickly and easily, with little to no effort on your part.

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Vol #5
The iWithin

The Universe, as we know it, had a beginning; therefore, this author has surmised that there is a Presence, a Spirit, a loving Creative Intelligence that is in it, around it, and is ever-present, even on the other side of it.  This author contends that this Being is an infinite, energetic force that is limitless, immeasurable, uncontainable, omnibenevolent, omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscient, and with Its blessing and intention, we are all made in Its image and likeness.

The iWithin is about our connection to each other, and to this Eternal Being that not only put love for you, inside of you, but the One who reaches past stars and galaxies, wormholes and dark spaces, outer space, the atmosphere, even across time and dimensions to care for you; to reach your heart with Its Love.

This book is about results! There is an adage that says: “If it’s true, it’s not new – and if it’s new, it’s not true.” The iWithin is not about to tell you a new truth, per se, because “truth” is not a creation.  Truth is merely discovered, revealed, or realized. It is not “the truth” that sets you free; it is your “knowledge” of the truth that sets you free! You can die of thirst with water in your presence, if your mind tells you the water is tainted and you believe a lie. Therefore, The iWithin will certainly be detrimental to your ignorance. You will never again find yourself in a state of hopelessness, helplessness, or feelings of being misguided because after reading The iWithin, you will have a clear understanding of why your life has gone the way that it has. You will understand why your current relationships, circumstances, situations, and conditions have persisted, and you will know exactly what to do, in a practical sense, to change them.

It is imperative to understand Albert Einstein’s work on the space-time continuum and how this link, this connection between time and space, blends into each other so gradually, and so seamlessly, that it is impossible to say where one becomes the next. The understanding of this blending is relative to how things, including thought, travel through space, and how “time,” as we think of it, literally does not exist. For example, “big” and “small” are only relative to each other, based on the object that connects them. Thoughts travel with lightning speed, in all directions, and can enter the mind of the person to whom you sent the thought, and thus reproduce the thought in their mind. They are free to accept that thought and act upon it, or they can repel the thought and discard it. Free Will is always protected. Because thought is faster than the Speed of Light or Sound, time becomes irrelevant when you envision, imagine, and creatively visualize your heart’s desire, because the Universe only knows “now.” The Universe gives you your desired end result in the nowness of NOW! How can such a claim be made? Get your copy of The iWithin today, learn, and begin to masterfully shape your future.

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Hiding From Myself

When the rain is over, always remember to put away your umbrella.

Even your “broken” brilliance still shines brightly in whatever darkness life may have forced you to walk through!  You cannot hide what and who you really are, or what you were always meant to be, so, shed your masks . . . Dare to SHINE!!!

Perhaps the first thing to ask yourself is whether or not you are happy, within, and are you truly being your authentic self? Are you where you want to be in life? Are you doing what you want to do? Are you living in the lifestyle of your choice? Are you co-dependent or psychologically enmeshed with others for your happiness? Are you in the relationship that you want to be in? Do you feel a sense of fulfillment; a sense of belonging and connectedness that makes you feel loved and fully accepted at home, and in your outer world? When you look into the mirror, do you like who you see looking back?

Unless you can answer yes to the majority of these questions, I would ask, what part of you are you hidingwhy, and when did you first put on the mask of compromise? How young were you when you first put on your mask to emotionally cope with life? When did a mask become necessary to ensure your very survival? Don’t only ask yourself when you put on the mask that hides the real you from view, but ask what caused you to walk through life with it on for so long that even you forgot you were wearing it. Has the essence of you somehow gotten lost? Have your gifts, dreams, talents, and even the effervescent personality you once exuded, all but vanished as you try to conform to the image of the mask that life has forced you to wear? Who are you, really, and what caused you to consciously, or more likely, unconsciously, don yourself with a mask?

Get your copy of Hiding From Myself today. Discover how Ms. Deborah linked the Law of Attraction to her mask, and how she is successfully removing it so that you can too!

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Just As You Are, You’re Just Right! (Audio)

After listening to “Just As You Are, You’re Just Right!” on repeat 3 times, you will feel like your soul and your inner vision of self are being restored!  You will feel like sacrifice, compromise, playing small, and “settling” are all being washed from your consciousness!  This CD will bring you to the feeling that you are alright, just exactly as you are, where you are.  This CD will give you a knowing that the essence of who you really are, is already all that your mate has ever sought‑for and desired!


Additionally, you will become clear (maybe for the first time) of how important it is to fall deeply in love with yourself…first!  Ms. Deborah’s spoken‑word poem is next‑level.  She went deep within to pull this one out, just for you!  Listen to both the male and the female perspectives in their own voices.  This CD is an absolute must-buy!

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Someone Just Right Is Looking For You!

Listen to “Someone Just Right Is Looking For You!” on repeat 3 times, without interruption – if you can stand it!  Regardless of whether you are listening from your recliner, or while you are driving alone in rush‑hour traffic, by the third consecutive listening, you will feel your self-esteem rise; your energy will begin to soar as you begin to recognize and appreciate just how valuable, important, and deserving you really are!

Listen to this CD until that calm sense of “knowing” that some “yet unseen miracle” is occurring in your life in the nowness of now, because suddenly, you are aligned with the energy of your soulmate/twin flame, not just mentally, physically, and emotionally, but also on a spiritual level.  You owe it to yourself to allow this spoken-word poem to move you from loneliness, hopelessness, depression, or despair from making bad relationship choices, into the energy of receptivity, possibility, and probability, as you are suddenly experiencing a quantum leap into your future with your adoring mate!  This Law of Attraction relationship poem is on point like no other!  It will cast out every doubt that true love will find you too!

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What Does Love Look Like? What Does Love Feel Like?

In the thought-world, thoughts, like seeds, produce after their own kind. In other words, like thoughts attract like thoughts on a subconscious level. If you are self-conscious, self-effacing, insecure, and/or self-abandoning, you will attract people that will continuously abandon you, and hang your emotions out to dry with reckless disregard and disrespect! 

Receiving love is about alignment. You receive what you are ready for based on your flow of energy. However, you cannot get what you cannot ask for, and you cannot receive what you cannot feel or define. You have to get full of the feelings you choose to experience, after which, everything in the Universe will align to make sure you continue to feel those specific feelings. In the same way, similar thoughts attract each other, and so do feelings of love. To align with Love, one needs to focus on love and appreciation of self, so that those feelings can draw others into your life that agree with, and are aligned with how you feel about yourself. Therefore, finding a mate is not your focus; maintaining feelings and visions of self-love, self-value, and deep gratitude and appreciation of self is! Your mate, your kind, your match will come to you like bees to honey, and will feel about you exactly as you feel about yourself! Ms. Deborah’s spoken-word poem “What Does Love Look Like? What Does Love Feel Like?” will help you look deep into your own heart to define and feel what real love looks like and feels like to YOU, so that you, too, can draw more of the same! Get your CD today and listen to it – until you can feel it!

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Just As You Are, You’re Just Right Too!

After listening to “Just As You Are, You’re Just Right!” on repeat 3 times, you will feel like your soul and your inner vision of self is being restored!  You will feel like sacrifice, compromise, playing small, and “settling” are all being washed from your consciousness!  This CD will bring you to the feeling that you are alright, just exactly as you are, where you are.  This CD will give you a knowing that the essence of who you really are, is already all that your mate has ever sought‑for and desired!

Additionally, you will become clear (maybe for the first time) of how important it is to fall deeply in love with yourself…first!  Ms. Deborah’s spoken‑word poem is next‑level.  She went deep within to pull this one out, just for you!  Listen to both the male and the female perspectives in their own voices.  This CD is an absolute must-buy!

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