In Relationships Without a Vision, Repeat! you’ll find ANSWERS that will empower you to deliberately, consciously, and skillfully create your own future, whether that is within a successful relationship, marriage, or as one that is happily single! You will know, without equivocation, that the power to intentionally create your relationship destiny lies solely in your imagination, based on Aligned Energy and the Law of Cause and Effect!
Will it ever be your turn to experience true love – a relationship filled with joy and peace, instead of anger, fear, and loss? After reading Relationships Without a Vision, Repeat! you will know the answer is a resounding: YES!
Buy your copy of this interactive, beautifully displayed e-Book, today! Watch your love-life go from 0 to 100, real quick!
True love is an amazing, universal condition that no one should live without experiencing, including you, especially you, but like everything else that you will ever experience in this life, it too is governed by law, and it begins with a word, a thought, an idea that lives in your mind, and a belief (which is nothing more than the images that you hold in your heart), that the possibility of true love exists, even for you, at whatever phase of life you happen to currently be in.
What do you really want? That is the question you must settle in your heart and mind. Are you just looking for a man or woman, or, are you looking for a “loving experience’ with a special man or woman? Why settle for just “anyone,” when the Universe is ready to offer you “someone” to whom you are a vibrational match to so that there will at least be the possibility of a happily ever after.
Expect that love will enter your life quietly, gently, and unobtrusively, as gently as a rose comes forth from a bud, slowly opening and filling the atmosphere around you with the scent of its splendor.
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