What Does Love Look Like? What Does Love Feel Like?

In the thought-world, thoughts, like seeds, produce after their own kind. In other words, like thoughts attract like thoughts on a subconscious level. If you are self-conscious, self-effacing, insecure, and/or self-abandoning, you will attract people that will continuously abandon you, and hang your emotions out to dry with reckless disregard and disrespect! 

Receiving love is about alignment. You receive what you are ready for based on your flow of energy. However, you cannot get what you cannot ask for, and you cannot receive what you cannot feel or define. You have to get full of the feelings you choose to experience, after which, everything in the Universe will align to make sure you continue to feel those specific feelings. In the same way, similar thoughts attract each other, and so do feelings of love. To align with Love, one needs to focus on love and appreciation of self, so that those feelings can draw others into your life that agree with, and are aligned with how you feel about yourself. Therefore, finding a mate is not your focus; maintaining feelings and visions of self-love, self-value, and deep gratitude and appreciation of self is! Your mate, your kind, your match will come to you like bees to honey, and will feel about you exactly as you feel about yourself! Ms. Deborah’s spoken-word poem “What Does Love Look Like? What Does Love Feel Like?” will help you look deep into your own heart to define and feel what real love looks like and feels like to YOU, so that you, too, can draw more of the same! Get your CD today and listen to it – until you can feel it!

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